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1st December, 2011
- Updated:
- The Girraween Plant Species list available on the Downloads page has been updated with about 190 new species.
- The following pages have been updated from the new plants species list. The formatting of some of these pages has also been adjusted.
- The Plant Species List page now has a map showing the location and area of study.
- The "Resources" button on the side navigation bar has been changed to "References".
27th October, 2011
9th September, 2011
- New Photos:
Bird - Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon [5 photos]
Bird - Rhipidura leucophrys Willie Wagtail [1]
- New Track and Photo Sequence:
Wyberba Walk [35]
- Updated:
- The Find Flowering Plant by Common Name pages have been updated from the new plant species list.
- The Girraween Plant Species list available on the Downloads page has been updated with the names of more contributors.
- Downloads page now mentions that our downloads are free. It also includes some copyright information.
- The walking times and distances for the individual tracks on the Tracks pages have been updated with information from the new Park Guide.
- The old Circuit track pages have become the new Bald Rock Creek Circuit track.
- All the maps for the park and individual walking tracks, including those within the photo sequences of the tracks and the Picnic section, have been redone.
- Corrections:
The names for the pyramids and Mt Norman have been standardized. The First Pyramid is now referred to as The Pyramid. The Pyramids track is now The Pyramid track. Mount Norman is now Mt Norman.
11th August, 2011
- New Downloads:
The booklet "Vegetation of Girraween National Park - Flora and Vegetation Communities" is now available from our Downloads page.
- New Photos and Species page with Mini-gallery:
Orchid - Acianthus exsertus Dark Mosquito Orchid [5]
Orchid - Pterostylis nutans Nodding Greenhood [4]
Orchid - Pterostylis vitrea Glassy Leafy Greenhood [4]
- Updated:
- Snake - Red-bellied Black Snake. [New mini-gallery.]
- Reformatted the Search results on the Search page.
- The following have been updated from the new plants species list.
- Downloads page - Girraween Orchid Flowering Calendar
- Downloads page - Girraween Plant Species List
- Flags 1 - "in the broad sense" have been removed from species.
- Caladenia aff. flaccida is now Caladenia flaccida
Caladenia aff. tentaculata is now Caladenia tentaculata
Chiloglottis aff. formicifera is now Chiloglottis formicifera
Prasophyllum aff. odoratum is now Prasophyllum odoratum
Pterostylis aff. longicurva is now Pterostylis longicurva
Pterostylis aff. parviflora is now Pterostylis parviflora
29th July, 2011
- The plant Narrow-leaved Hovea Hovea purpurea corrected to Hovea planifolia.
- Removed misidentified photos of birds and put them in the correct places. The last photo of a Brown Treecreeper was an immature Grey Shrike-Thrush. The last White-Browed Woodswallow was a Striped Honeyeater.
- Fixed broken URL in credits for Fir0002 | Flagstaffotos.
8th July, 2011
Camping - Booking your Campsite page updated with image of new Camping Tag.
Small Birds page - converted thumbnail images to a larger size.
Updated the return-to-index links on first and last bird photos of Small Bird sequences. They now return to the relevant part of the Small Birds page.
- Plant Species list on the Downloads page. Late feedback from Qld Herbarium has resulted in some minor corrections. We are expecting further feedback, resulting in future updates and corrections.
- Orchid Pterostylis daintreana - common name Daintrey's Greenhood corrected to Daintree's Greenhood.
- Corrected scientific name of Scarlet Pimpernel from Anagallis arvensis to Lysimachia arvensis. In doing so, removed family Primulaceae, as there are no species belonging to that family in Girraween.
- Deleted photo of Turquoise Parrot. It was of a Red-rumped Parrot that had been incorrectly identified.
17th June, 2011
26th May, 2011
4th May, 2011
15th April, 2011
1st April, 2011
18th March, 2011
- New Species:
Antechinus flavipes flavipes Yellow-footed Antechinus [1 photo]
Antechinus stuartii Brown Antechinus [1]
Hydromys chrysogaster Rakali [1]
Pseudomys gracilicaudatus Eastern Chestnut Mouse [1]
Rattus lutreolus Swamp Rat [1]
Rattus tunneyi Pale Field-rat [1]
- New Photos:
Diuris abbreviata Lemon Doubletail [4]
Diuris chrysantha Granite Donkey Orchid [3 + 2 from D. abbreviata]
- Updated:
- The Downloads page - The Orchid Flowering Calendar has been revised and updated.
- Thanks To... page - a new photographic contributer, the Queensland Museum.
Also on the Thanks To... page - added John Cowburn, Robert Ashdown, Dr Michael Mathieson and Craig Robbins for special mention. Tweaked the page layout by breaking the list in two.
- The Search page. Reworded "Find a Flower" to "Find a Plant". Also changed to "Flower" Colour, "Flower" Shape, "Flowering" Season. Tweaked formatting.
- Created a "Special Plants" section on the Plants page. Removed the special plants status list of links from Flowering Plants page. Some of the park's special plants don't have flowers.
- The lists of special plants with the non-flowering plants, such as Callitris monticola Dwarf Cypress Pine (NT) and Huperzia varia Long Clubmoss (V). Also added thumbnail images to the special plants pages - for example: Endangered Plant Species.
- Orchids - updated species' names, removed species not specifically recorded as being in Girraween, included new species to the list, corrected the flowering times for orchids listed in the "Find Flowering Plant by Season" pages.
- Corrections:
25th February, 2011
19th February, 2011
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